What Flu Virus Pandemic Means for US & World
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What Does the Possibility of a Flu Virus Pandemic Mean for the U.S and the Rest of the World?

In 1918-1919, just at the end of the First World War, a new threat appeared, one that no one could have seen coming. The worst flu virus pandemic of the 20th Century would emerge, killing an estimated 40-50 million people globally.

That was 90 years ago and yes I know what you’re thinking, “Medicine has improved since then,” and you are very right. However, that does not mean we can stop anything. There is no vaccine for H1N1 (Swine Flu) that will destroy the virus, which means if you catch it, it’s all up to your body to fight off the virus. However, there are some medicines that can help with H1N1. Flu medicines such as Tamiflu, help lower the severity of some of the symptoms and are shown to help fight off the flu.

Research suggests that were a pandemic to appear, a death toll of between 2-7.4 million people globally is highly probable. This number is based of models and the high amount of global traffic. If the virus were to go undetected for a significant period of time it could spread to all corners of the Earth and pose a tremendous threat to the entire global community. This is why it is extremely important to do anything and everything to prevent transmission of the H1N1 virus that may develop into a full-scale pandemic. Tamiflu has been recommended to help battle H1N1, but there are other ways that you can help protect yourself and others.

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The most important thing everyone should be doing, every day, is washing their hands. Wash them as many times as you think necessary, but make sure you are doing it properly. Wash them with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, and when drying your hands try to use a paper towel to turn off the tap. This prevents germs and bacteria from getting back onto your hands.

  • Get some exercise, and enjoy the fresh air.
  • Get lots and lots of sleep.
  • Drink plenty of fluids and eat a healthy balanced diet.

Additionally, I would like to remind you to not panic. Yes, there are 279 cases of the flu virus pandemic in America and yes, it is important to prevent transmission, however, the cases in the United States do not appear to be as deadly as those found in Mexico. Therefore, it is crucial to remain calm and just try to stay healthy.


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