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Definition of Telemedicine – Pharmapassport

TelemedicineDoctors have now come up with a new approach to healthcare: online clinics and telemedicine. Recently a mother was concerned about her son’s migraines.  While he was home from school for lunch one day his mother went online and logged onto a medical practice’s website and had a video conference with the doctor on duty. The doctor was able to review her son’s electronic medical history online. The doctor was then able to send the mother links to different articles and podcasts that would help her. Also, he suggested the boy drink more water and that the headaches were a result of dehydration. The boy was back to school before the end of lunch.

This new method is quick and can be used from the comfort of your home.  Although it may seem that telemedicine is an uncongenial approach to medical care, physicians claim the opposite. Telemedicine is being embraced by physicians who say that it promotes a closer relationship with patients. This method of medication provides ways for the patients to be educated about treatments before going to the doctor’s office for visits. At the University of Minnesota in Fairview, they have 36 doctors who are testing the telemedicine method. So far they have received a very positive response from patients. Doctors have shifted to online sessions. The hours of the Fairview clinic are from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. from Monday to Friday, and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends. Social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter are being used in medical practice to circulate health information and create online societies where patients can share their experiences.


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