Internet Addiction Leads to Depression | Pharmapassport
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Internet Addiction Leads to Depression

Internet Addiction Leads to Depression

Internet Addiction Leads to Depression

A recent study shows that the amount of time that a teenager spends on the internet is linked to an increased chance of developing depression. Teenagers who are Internet addicted are 2.5 times more likely to suffer from depression than normal internet users.

Teenagers have internet addiction for a variety of reasons and many end up getting hooked to it. This should however be no surprise. I mean at this age, what can’t you do on the internet? With everything being at your fingertips, why get up from the computer?

Approximately one-half of the teenagers surveyed said that they used the internet as a means of entertainment. The other half said that they used the internet to talk to their friends or to do some research.

Here are a few tips you as a parent can give to your child in order to avoid this problem.

5 Ways to Avoid Internet Addiction

1) Stop the urge: Set a time to use the internet, instead of going over whenever temptation calls.

2) Getaway: Focus on your hobbies and interests and what you are passionate about. Doing something you enjoy will help you stay off the internet.

3) Use the phone: Instead of communicating to your friends by messenger, Facebook, or whatever you may use, just call them. Having a real conversation is much more interesting.

4) Counseling: In some cases, if the addiction is very high then counseling is necessary. With counseling, one can work towards ridding themselves of their addiction.

5) Schoolwork and friends: There’s more to life than sitting in front of a computer screen all day. Do your schoolwork and go hang out with your friends. Get your work done and have a fun time!

As a side note to parents, internet addiction can lead to kids avoiding their homework. Keeping the computer in a place that everyone has access to (not your child’s room) will give you a greater ability to help your child get past his/ her addiction.


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7 Strategies for Depression Treatment contains information, including but not limited to text, graphics, and images. The content should be viewed only for informational purposes. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always ask your doctor or other healthcare provider any questions you may have about a medical condition or treatment. Before starting a new health care regimen, always consult your doctor first and never make any medical decisions without professional medical advice.

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