7 Oral health signs you can't ignore | Pharmapassport
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7 Oral health signs you can’t ignore

7 Oral health signs you cant ignoreGum Disease – Premature Birth

You may be more likely to have a premature baby if you are pregnant and have gum disease. The link between the two conditions is not entirely explained, but underlying inflammation or infection could be to blame. Pregnancy and its connected hormonal changes can worsen gum disease. Talk to your dentist about how to protect yourself and your baby. Eroded Tooth Enamel – Eating Disorders Eating disorders such as bulimia can take a significant toll on the health of your teeth. The stomach acid from continuous vomiting can erode tooth enamel, and the gums between teeth, especially on the tongue side of the upper front teeth. This increases the risk for decay in these places and can increase tooth sensitivity. Extreme erosion can cause changes in bite, and back teeth can become smaller. Some teeth can even be lost due to eating disorders. Tooth erosion can take about 3 years to become noticeable, but not all bulimics have it. constant vomiting can also cause the salivary glands to swell and the tissues in the mouth to become dry. Swollen Gums – Pericoronitis Pericoronitis may occur when wisdom teeth only partially break through the gum. This creates an opening for bacteria to enter around the tooth and cause infections. In pericoronitis, food and plaque can get caught underneath a flap of gum around the tooth and can irritate the gum. If the infection is severe, it can swell and extend beyond the jaw to the cheeks and neck. Pericoronitis causes pain, infection, and swollen gums around the molar teeth. Thrush – HIV, Diabetes Thrush is an infection in the mouth that is caused by candida fungus (yeast). Thrush can affect anyone, but it occurs mostly in people with weakened immune systems (HIV) and in people who use the drug prednisone. Antibiotics can also disturb the natural balance of organisms in the body and cause thrush. Oral thrush causes lesions on the tongue or cheeks. These can be painful and may bleed when scraped. This is due to the body’s weakened immune system and its inability to defend itself against infections. People with HIV/AIDS can also have symptoms of dry mouth. Other medical situations that make candida infections more likely to occur include uncontrolled diabetes, cancer, dry mouth, or pregnancy. People who smoke or wear dentures that don’t fit properly are also at an increased risk. Tooth Loss – Osteoporosis The bone disease called osteoporosis can affect any bone in your body., such as your jaw bone. If you develop osteoporosis in your jaw, you may experience tooth loss due to erosion of the jawbone. This will cause minor facial deformities and pain in and around the temporomandibular joint, which is what connects the upper and lower jaws. The bones around the roots of the teeth are also susceptible to osteoporosis. Bad Breath – Gum disease There are many illnesses that can cause bad breath. Some important ones to familiarize yourself with are respiratory tract infections (pneumonia or bronchitis), chronic sinus infections, postnasal drip, diabetes, chronic acid reflux, and liver or kidney problems. Chronic bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth can more commonly be warning signs of gum disease. Gum disease is caused by a buildup of plaque on your teeth. The bacteria creates toxins that irritate the gums. Another sign of gum disease is bleeding gums. When going untreated, gum disease can damage the gums and jawbone. Prevent gum disease by thoroughly brushing and flossing your teeth on a regular basis. Other dental causes of gum disease include poorly fitted dental appliances, yeast infections in the mouth, and dental caries. Pale Gums – Anemia Your gums can become sore and pale, and your tongue can become swollen and smooth if you have anemia. Your body doesn’t have enough red blood cells that contain enough hemoglobin when you have anemia. Your body doesn’t receive enough oxygen and you will experience a number of symptoms.
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