Hangover Cures That Work - Pharmapassport
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Hangover Cures That Work

Hangover Cures: After experiencing that sensitivity to light and sound, the throbbing head, and having the spins, the phrase that often follows is “I am never drinking again”. Yes, I am talking about the dreaded hangover. Hangovers are caused by excessive alcohol consumption. The hangover arrives when the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is falling,  so about 8-24 hours after consumption. Basically, when you consume alcohol, it puts your biological self out of sync, bringing on the hangover symptoms; so naturally, the remedies would be to restore your biological self.

There are probably as many hangover cures out there as there are drinks. The important thing to know is a lot of the “cures” are just myths. The hangover cures remedies that work are the ones that biologically make sense. First, let us tackle a few myths. Taking Tylenol during the symptoms of a hangover definitely works, but taking it before you go to sleep doesn’t actually do anything. Coffee isn’t going to solve the hangover; in fact, it just makes you more dehydrated so in the long run, it doesn’t help you at all. Also, the morning-after drink – or hair of the dog – doesn’t work either it just delays the inevitable.

Those were just a few of the many myths out there. Now let’s focus on how to do hangover cures. Drinking water is the best thing you can do if you want to get over a hangover. Drinking lots of water will help restore your biological chemical balance. Taking painkillers like Tylenol, Aspirin and Ibuprofen have become known as hangover medicine because they work to reduce headaches and muscle pain, but they need to be taken with caution. As for hangover food, you should be eating eggs, bananas, Bouillon Soup, and fruit.

When consuming alcohol, you’re putting your body through a battle. If you know you’re going to go to war, you’re obviously going to prepare so you have the least amount of casualties. The casualties here, being the symptoms. Before you drink, understand your limits and stay within them. Eat food beforehand to prevent an excess of alcohol absorption into your body. Stay with one or two types of alcohol like vodka or gin because they are light liquors as oppose to dark liquors (dark liquors are more likely to cause a hangover). Stay away from the bubbly drinks because it really does go straight to your head. Stay hydrated throughout the night! This article will help with hangover cures.


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